Monday, January 11, 2016

What is Manumatic Transmission?

All car freaks and passionates must have come across a term “Manumatic Transmission”. But understanding it technically is far more complicated. Today, let’s break the term down into more understandable expressions.

Though the name indicates manual+automatic, a manumatic transmission is NOT a combination of manual and automatic transmission. But, then what actually is Manumatic Transmission? Technically speaking, manumatic transmission is automatic transmission in which an user can override the computer commands for gear shifting. Different companies have labeled their manumatic transmissions as ‘Tiptronic’, ‘Geartronic’, ’Touchshift’, 'Touchtronic', ‘Sporttronic’, ‘Clutch-less Manual’ and others.

Putting it in much simpler and basic words, a manumatic transmission is an automatic transmission. But you can still shift gears according to our requirements for several reasons like fuel economy, traffic convenience or just for a feel of manual transmission. In an automatic transmission, the ECU or “the computer” does all the work of gear shifting depending upon acceleration, load and speed of the car while in manumatic, the power of gear shifting is vested in your hands if you want to shift gears manually or leave the work to ECU.

Getting a little geeky, let’s talk some science now. What do you need to override a computer command? Another computer command! A manumatic transmission employs an extra ECU, solenoid and some resistors that are activated as soon as you shift gears manually. The solenoids detect the gearshift and transfer the signal to the ECU which then takes control of the the gearbox instead of the automatic gearbox ECU, where the number of solenoids depend upon the number of gears. As soon as the manual gear shifting is completed, the computer regains the command of the gears so there is no worry to the user. Some companies use a different technology but the basic idea remains the same.

Now how to differentiate between an automatic and manumatic? In automatic transmission, the gear console only has P, R, N and D modes while in manumatic, you will find “+” & “-” with the D mode as well which are used to shift gears. You may also find paddle shifters behind steering wheel in some cars. It is also called two paddle transmission as manumatic cars do not have a clutch paddle.

The PRNDL modes on a gear console of an Automatic

Manumatic transmission: Notice the +,- symbol for gear shifting

Gearshift Paddles are an sport/luxury upgrade in Manumatics

So why Manumatic? Manumatics are an advantage over automatic in some places. For example, an uneven terrain like hill requires different torque ratios depending upon the gradient. A manumatic is more economical and useful way in these situations when compared to automatic transmission. There is no tension of gear shifting but also the feel of it. Though manumatics may provide a pinch of feel of manual transmission but are totally different from them. So for manual driving enthusiasts, manumatics are not a good option.

What to choose? Manumatic or Automatic? Manumatics are a better option when talking about fuel economy and they also provide a touch of manual transmission. So if you are passionate about driving and find automatic a bit boring, then manumatics are meant for you. Also as stated above, manumatics can be more useful and advantageous in irregular drives like a hill or a busy city road. But if you are a control freak and like to be in full control of your machine, manuals are your thing. Fuel economy, total control and the thrill of driving are some advantages of manuals over manumatic.

Now that you know what actually is manumatic, let’s hope you will now look for a car which will better suit you needs.
